
Transport & Logistics

As the leading customs expert in Europe, we can offer you individual customs solutions tailored to the specific demands of transport and logistics companies. Our customs specialists can advise you on the following topics:

  • Preparation of customs documentation, permits and certificates 
  • Support in complying with regulations and requirements for the transport and logistics industry 
  • Monitoring and control of customs formalities during the transportation process

Customs Challenges | Transport & Logistics

Logistics and transportation companies often struggle with their customs clearance due to complex customs processes as well as ongoing changes in customs regulations and the classification of goods. It is crucial to ensure the correct classification of goods to calculate the correct customs rates and taxes and help use the appropriate trade agreements.

However, when transportation companies lack customs knowledge, they risk making mistakes that can be expensive to redeem.
Another hurdle when it comes to customs clearance is the preparation of customs documents, which can be lengthy and have to be filled out precisely, since errors or incompleteness can lead to delays and penalties.

Import and export compliance represents another challenge for logistics and transportation companies, as destination countries have different regulations that must be met. Companies that are unable to comply with these regulations can face heavy fines and delays in transportation.

Customs Solutions | Transport and Logistics

Customs Support offers expert customs advice and services to improve customs processes in the transport and logistics industry, enabling them to overcome customs processing challenges.

Our customs experts can advise you on:

  • Planning and implementing your customs clearance
  • Handling customs formalities and monitoring compliance with import and export regulations
  • Classification of goods and determination of customs rates and taxes
  • Verification of the accuracy and completeness of customs documents and invoices
  • Increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs through a fast and effective customs process in logistics

Frequently Asked Questions | Transport and Logistics

What are the main challenges logistics and transportation businesses face when it comes to customs clearance?

Complex customs regulations and the need for seamless coordination of logistics service processes make customs clearance in the transport and logistics industry challenging. Work with our customs experts - they have extensive industry knowledge and can offer you customised solutions to overcome your challenges.

How does Customs Support help transport and logistics companies with customs clearance?

Our customs experts support transportation companies with the processing of customs formalities, the monitoring of import and export regulations and the classification of goods. In addition, they can assist with the preparation of customs documents and advise on compliance with industry-specific regulations, significantly helping streamline the customs clearance process.

How can I ensure that my transport and logistics service processes run smoothly?

Smooth customs processes in the logistics service industry rely on comprehensive expertise and specific industry knowledge. Our customs experts offer individual solutions to help meet your specific requirements and optimise your customs processes. By monitoring and controlling your customs processes with our state-of-the-art technology, we can minimise the risk of delays or penalties.

How can digital technologies streamline my customs operations in the logistics service industry?

Our digital technologies allow us to provide timely and accurate customs services that help optimise customs clearance processes in the logistics service industry. Our customs specialists use state-of-the-art customs software to automate and speed up customs processes, reducing the risk of delays or penalties for our customers.

What are the benefits of full-service customs services for transportation companies?

Full-service customs services can offer transportation companies tailored solutions to help them handle their customs matters efficiently and smoothly. Using the latest customs software and expertise, our Customs Support experts can deliver timely and accurate results, helping you save time and money.

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Customs Support Offers End-to-End Customs Services

Fast, accurate, and compliant, in multiple countries
Full service digital

Full-Service Customs Expertise

We have it covered end-to-end: everything from processing declarations, consultancy to supply chain optimization


Experienced Customs Specialists

Our 1900+ experts with over 20+ years of industry experience ensure the highest compliance standards

Digital Cloud

Digital Customs Solutions

Our cutting-edge IT solutions enable you to monitor all processes 24/7, while we adapt to digital trends to ensure your security standards


Global Knowledge, Local Presence

We link your local customs needs to our global network of professionals across 100+ strategic locations in Europe


Transport & Logistics


Sedna Case Study | Customs Support Safety

Customs Support Safety and Sedna Containers have recently cemented their long-term commitment. In this article, the Managing Director of Sedna, Henk Rademaker and Rick Kramer, head of Customs Support Safety, talk about the successful cooperation in which the container specialist uses our container depot and the facilities available there.

The Netherlands

Supporting Europe-wide supply chains with Schneider Transport

Join Albert Pustjens as he shares how Customs Support’s position as a neutral, digital-first customs partner empowers Schneider Transport to provide a service that isn’t affected by borders.

Client Cases

World Trade News: August 2023 Edition

​​​​​​​Trade Deals Around the World is our periodic update, giving you a quick and easy overview of what has happened in the many trade deal negotiations worldwide. ​​​​​​​We focus on the European Union and the United Kingdom and watch China and the United States. In this update, we look back on July’s events.

World Trade News (Image: teal world viewed from space with connection lines spreading across the image)
World Trade

Transvenlo Case Study I Post-Brexit

Join Jeffrey van der Lee as he shares how Customs Support’s position as a neutral, digital-first customs provider has been key for Transvenlo’s continued success across the EU/UK border since Brexit.

Transvenlo: in logistics, we is key.
The Netherlands

United Across Borders: The Customs Support Group

Providing customs services throughout Europe, we are the only customs partner you need in the EU and UK. Discover how the Customs Support Group supports your European operations in this article.

customs support group
European Union
World Trade

T1 Forms

Exporting to the EU from the UK has required customs clearance since Brexit, but what if you aren’t clearing at the first EU country? Find out about using T1 forms in this article.


How our neutrality empowers your business for success

What exactly are the benefits of working with a neutral customs partner? In a world full of biases, maintaining neutrality has become an invaluable virtue. Discover how working with a neutral customs partner is the key to upgrading your customs functions in this article.


Unlocking Cash Flow Efficiency with Bonded Warehousing

Throughout the world, cash is king. But did you know that the key to managing finances in your supply chain can lie in your storage facility? Discover the advantages of customs bonded warehousing in this article.

supply chain
Supply Chain

Trade Deals Around the World: May 2023 Edition

Trade Deals Around the World is our periodic update, giving you a quick and easy overview of what has happened in the many trade deal negotiations worldwide.

We focus on the European Union and the United Kingdom and watch China and the United States. We look back at April and focus on trade deals only in this update.

Trade Deals
World Trade

Transit Documents: What Do I Need?

Customs transit is a customs procedure used to move goods within one customs territory, via another, or between two or more different customs territories. The transit procedure can be used to delay the payment of import duties and value-added tax. Duties and VAT can be temporarily suspended.

Road Map Transit Documents